A Necessidade de uma Hierarquia
José Rodolfo G. H. Almeida é escritor e editor do site www.conectados.site
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The Need for a Hierarchy
Every human action is, first and foremost, a choice, and every choice is based on a hierarchy of values. To deny this is as absurd as a man who, when climbing a ladder, convinces himself that all the steps are on the same level. The person who proclaims absolute equality between values has already made his choice: he has elevated this supposed equality to the highest level, sacrificing on the altar of relativism the elementary distinction between the superior and the inferior.
The hierarchy of values is not a social convention, but a logical necessity. If a man considers life to be superior to comfort, he acts in accordance with this priority; if he places pleasure above morality, his actions will reflect this choice. But the reverse is also true: whoever denies any hierarchy of values soon finds himself faced with an abyss of contradictions. A radical egalitarian should, in accordance with his belief, treat honesty and lying, courage and cowardice, virtue and vice as equivalent. But he does not do so. It always operates within a hierarchy, even if it is an inverted, perverted one or one imposed by third parties.
And this is where the real coup of modern thought lies: the farce does not lie in the denial of the hierarchy of values, something that even an idiot realizes is impossible, but in the surreptitious replacement of a natural hierarchy by an artificial one, dictated by ideological pressures, massive propaganda and cultural manipulation. Western man, who for centuries built his civilization on an ordered structure of values, where truth overcomes lies, justice overcomes arbitrariness and courage prevails over cowardice, now finds himself immersed in a world where this order has been deliberately corrupted.
This inversion of values did not happen by chance. It was not the result of “progress” or a natural evolution of society, but of an active project of subversion. Whoever dictates the values of an era governs the course of history. And the great tragedy of the contemporary West is that, while the masses believe they live in a regime of axiological neutrality, in practice they are merely adopting a new hierarchy, more grotesque and destructive than any tyranny of the past. Vice becomes virtue, mediocrity is celebrated as genius, and degradation is imposed as a moral imperative.
But there is something worse than the inversion of values: the idiocy of those who believe they are above them. The individual who proclaims himself “neutral” in the face of morality, who believes he can escape the implications of any order of values, is nothing more than a puppet in the hands of those who impose their own hierarchy through control of the media, the educational system, and mass culture. The choice was never between “hierarchy or equality,” but between a hierarchy anchored in reality and a hierarchy imposed by tyrants and social engineers.
The only question that remains is whether modern man will have the courage to recognize this truth or whether he will continue to babble the slogans of his own servitude, convinced that they are an expression of his purest freedom.
José Rodolfo G. H. Almeida is a writer and editor of the website www.conectados.site
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