O Interesse do Estado na Família Tradicional
José Rodolfo G. H. Almeida é escritor e editor do site www.conectados.site
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The State's Interest in the Traditional Family
In times of moral and intellectual crisis, when stupidity masquerades as virtue, few dare to ask the essential question: who is in the best interest of education? Who, after all, dictates the content of schools, the values instilled in young people and the limits of acceptable thought?
The myth of educational neutrality should have been buried along with the illusions of the Enlightenment. No education system is neutral. No curriculum is developed in a vacuum. The State that monopolizes education does so not out of benevolence, but out of necessity: whoever holds control over children's minds determines the future of society.
But what future exactly is being planned? Is it one of prosperity, free thought and individual autonomy? Or one where dependence, intellectual servitude and moral fragility become the norm? The answer does not require a herculean effort. It is enough to observe: does the current education system form citizens or subjects? Does it teach thinking or repetition? Does it develop intelligence or obedience?
The incompetence of socialist governments is an obvious spectacle to any average observer. What most people don't realize is that this incompetence is apparent, not real. From the point of view of the ruling elite, these regimes are models of efficiency, as they do exactly what they set out to do: ensure the concentration of power and prevent the population from becoming autonomous.
The main tool of this project of domination is social engineering, a method of gradually reconfiguring culture, values, and human relations, led by an elite that claims the right to redesign the social structure according to its own interests. And one of the priority targets of this reconfiguration is the family.
Throughout history, every form of tyranny has needed, above all, to undermine the bonds of natural solidarity between individuals. Slaves who develop monogamous relationships begin to form families, and families create bonds of loyalty and identity that override obedience to the master. This phenomenon, so evident in classical slavery, was combated by forcibly imposing promiscuity among captives, a tactic to dissolve any bond of belonging and prevent the formation of groups of resistance.
It is no coincidence that every expansion of state power is accompanied by the dissolution of traditional family structures. The more fragmented society is, the more dependent it becomes on the state. Marriage, reduced to a contract that can be revoked at any time, loses its normative force. Paternity, usurped by welfare programs, is emptied. Parental authority is annulled by legislation that transforms the education of children into an exclusive right of the government.
Where the family fails, the state advances. Where the individual finds no support in his own blood ties, he seeks it in the bureaucratic machine. And so, in the name of "social justice," "equality," or any other ideological fetish, a society of voluntary orphans is created, isolated citizens, emotionally fragile, incapable of any real resistance against the Leviathan of the state.
History has shown, time and again, that the erosion of family ties goes hand in hand with the expansion of the welfare state. The government becomes father and mother, provider and educator, judge and priest. All this under the guise of benevolence, when in reality the replacement of the family by the State is a deliberate process of domination.
The family structure is not a peripheral detail of society, it is its foundation. Destroying it means undermining any possibility of a strong, independent society capable of resisting the absolute control of State power.
The question is not just "what model of education do we want?" or "how can we guarantee quality education?".
The first step to breaking this dynamic is to face the truth: the destruction of the family and the manipulation of education are not undesirable side effects of modern progress, but conscious strategies of social control.
Understanding this is more than an intellectual exercise. It is a matter of survival.
José Rodolfo G. H. Almeida is a writer and editor of the website www.conectados.site
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